Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Before I post anything,

Before I post anything, I would like to dedicate this blog to the love of my life, the only person I have loved, or will love .......

to my Dad.......

You'll never be too old for me, dad.... to the genius of the Century ...


The Unconventional said...

nice way 2 start up a blog dude! gud dedication! i hope u become successful in ur endeavor 2 find out d unexplained truth n make ur dad proud! way 2 go dude!!!
nice blog...maintain it like dis ol thru..
gud wishes!

mukesh said...

Kites rise highest against the wind ------- not with it.
-Sir Winston Churchill
The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you somebody else.
- E E Cummings
You are what you think.
You are what you go for.
you are what you do!
- Bob Richards
The important thing about motivation is goal setting.You should always have a goal.
- Francie Larrieu Smith
If what you are working for really matters,you will give it all you have got.
- Nido Qubein

mukesh said...

Love thy neighbour-and if he happens to be tall,debonair and devastating,it will be that much easier.

mukesh said...

After marriage you come to know that women never polish their shoes, they just throw them away.

mukesh said...

Neanderthal One:Straight Out Of A ###################################Laboratory
- Thomas M Easley -
In the year 4050, a time of bliss on earth where robots and men live as friends, a fateful event occurs...arriving from deep space a small six ounce chunk of rock and ice falls unobserved into a deep sea. The ice inside the rock melts and releases a virus so deadly that all humans on earth die. The robots are distraught and they vow to build new humans from DNA remains.
After many failures, the first laboratory-generated human emerges, a rough hirsute brute named Neanderthal One. Decades after, the robots, for lack of spare parts and human foresight, die out and Neanderthal One evolve into our present day human race. A fantastic improbability, certainly, but who's to say that this hasn't happened or won't happen?

mukesh said...

contd.from March 19,2007,10.02pm/- Serious human thought has been given to the number of angels that might fit on the head of a pin, "better ways to cut a cake", whether or not Pluto is a planet, and it wasn't so long ago that many believed the earth was flat.
Obviously reckless ideas attract us and enter our reality to such an extent that major aspects of human life are converted by them. E=MC2, light contained in a glass bulb, voices travelling through wire, germs as the cause of infection are all examples of improbable ideas that came to life and changed the course of human history, and we know, most assuredly, that man was not meant to fly, nor breathe under water, nor clone himself. Given our past, Neanderthal One appears less absurd and even possible.
Humans, however significant we think we are, we must admit that our significance, knowledge and beliefs are an inadequate means of establishing finite parameters for objective reality.
We are prisoners of the subjective, the defined, the believed. Our only real freedom, it seems, lies in the realm of the imagination, in new ideas, guessing, observing and calculating "what ifs".
What if a man past, man present and man future are not equally human or even human-like? What if mankind is a self-organising system manipulated in its perception of self by dark energy, and E=MC2 revert to M=E divided by C2 in the afterlife?

mukesh said...

contd.from March19,2007,11.38PM/-
What if all we believe to be true is not true, if perspective animates matter, if memory is merely an impersonal process for storing data, if life as we perceive it is actually death as we perceive death to be?
Frommorphic fields, string theory and casual dynamical triangulation, to the nano realm, metaphysics, religion and God, mystery and questions abound. But which questions deserve human attention and resolution, the speed of galactic withdrawal from the Big Bang, reconstruction of the speed of light and gravity, the origin of God?
Finding answers require a journey over landless territories, a reach into multiple dimensions, the laws that govern them and the relationship such dimensions and laws have to our known laws and dimensions.
The trick, however, is to successfully traverse these multidimensional non-human worlds with human conciousness intact to such a degree that human identity remains observant and measurable. Indeed, but at what point can we actually enter these dimensions? Is it now, at this point, with this word, on this page?
Behind all that has been gathered into the human conciousness and experience, their extends a veil of shadows outside the reach of imagination that attracts imagination.
Neanderthal One is not a mere improbability. we may, in fact, have come from where we are going.
(reproduced from The Times of India dt. 23.02.2007
now keep pondering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mukesh said...

you didn't know about
#1.The earliest UFO sighting, probably occured in 1450 BC, when Egyptians saw bright circles of light in the sky.
#2.Experts say stars must be 3 billion years old, have low mass and high levels of iron to form rocky, Earthlike planets.
#3.Astronomers of Carnegie Institution in USA have compiled a list of 17,129 stars likely to have planets that support life.
#4.Likely spots for life near us include
-Mars' underground,
-Saturn's moon Enceladus,&
-Jupiter's moons
-Europa &
#5.In 1957, Brazilian Antonio Boas claimed he was abducted by barking alliens, who covered him in gel and mated with him.
#6.In a Harvard study,7 of 10 'abductees' said under hypnosis they had been used for 'breeding' by their allien captors.
#7.Scientists introduced humans to ETs in 1972, when Carl Sagan's plaque of naked couple was sent to space.
#8.In 1977, two Voyager probes carried a gold record of whale calls, greetings in 55 languages and a Bulgarian folk song.

mukesh said...

#9.In September,2006, the French Centre for National Space Studies beamed a TV programme aimed at extraterrestrials.
#10.The programme 'Cosmic Connexions', was for 'residents' of
Erai,45 light-years from Earth, and should reach in 2051.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, it is a lie. legal ciallis Austin I have a joke for you =) What kind of lettuce was served on the Titanic? Iceberg.

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