Sunday, February 25, 2007

I spoke to God today ...

For ages and ages, I have harboured my undying passion for astrophysics and cosmology. It has been my dearest ambition to think like Buddha, to attain that Nirvana like he did. We all seek answers, scientists and philosophers alike. Deep down, we all have the same questions, and I believe that we will attain the same answers. It's just the way we search for them that is different.

To me, Nirvana is like a mental orgasm - a state of temporary blindness when you see God. Yesterday was one of those moments I truly felt that THAT is what I seek, for I believe that science will provide me with my answers.

I still remember the time I read about the superstring theory and how it promises to be the defining means of achieving the GUT (Grand Unification Theory) of Physics. There is, however, one critical assumption of the superstring theory - the Universe consists of not four, but ten dimensions. And I asked myself, how is the existence of ten dimensions so different from the existence of four. And how exactly does one think and visualize the ten dimensions when we cannot even comprehend fully the fourth dimension, which we know is definitely there.
I lived with this question for about five years - seeking a satisfying answer. The IIT-JEE preparations in the last two years played havoc on my mind and I totally lost focus of this uncompleted wish of mine. They say your past looks much better from your future, but I beg to differ. Even today, looking back at those days, I see myself fruitlessly chasing a goal which was never mine, never set by me. That was not something I was supposed to be doing, I feel. It would not be an understatement to say that I forgot myself. Dad, you will agree to that, I know.

Until yesterday ...

The 24th of February will remain etched in my memory forever. I feel like a burden has lightened from my back, and now I can raise my head to look at the path ahead of me. I have realized the true significance of the ten dimensions, and by God you need to be me to truly understand how significant this is in my life. At this point I truly agree with the views of the fictitious Prof. Leonardo Vetra of the famed 'Angels and Demons' by Dan Brown. Science is the only way to find God.

I dedicate myself to this quest.
May God (whatever that might mean!) be with me.

Hats off to Ankit Uppal to awaken me from my slumber by leading me to that website. Way to go, chum!

In the next post I will discuss about my perception of the ten dimensions, and their implications in science and technology. I however warn the reader that these are STRICTLY my views and represent what I feel and decide about this issue. I welcome suggestions and points of views from everyone.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Before I post anything,

Before I post anything, I would like to dedicate this blog to the love of my life, the only person I have loved, or will love .......

to my Dad.......

You'll never be too old for me, dad.... to the genius of the Century ...

The Three Days of My Life ...

In the endless quest to find myself, I have discovered the 3 special moments in my life so far. It is in these moments that I truly expressed my inner self. Whenever I have looked back, I have seen the sweet memories of these days smile back at me, ever so motivating, ever so inspiring.

I am Adi Dahiya, and I will never forget :

  • The day I left for Singapore
  • The day I was operated on for the first time
  • The day I was appointed the Joint Secretary (Academics) in my school
From time to time, I will keep on discussing about these days. And I hope there are more of them.

My Favorite Hobby

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